Petition for Non-Standard Testing Accommodations

Guidelines and Instructions

The Board’s policy for determining whether to grant test accommodations on the Virginia Bar Exam is set forth in the Petition for Non-Standard Testing Accommodations Guidelines and Instructions.

Filing a Petition

An applicant who requires non-standard testing accommodations for the Virginia Bar Exam must file a Petition for Non-Standard Testing Accommodations, along with ALL required documents, NOT LATER THAN THE FILING DEADLINE for the examination for which the applicant is requesting accommodations. Such Petition for Non-Standard Testing Accommodations MUST accompany the Application for Examination to sit for the Virginia Bar Exam. Documents MUST be SINGLE-SIDED. Do NOT submit double-sided documents.


Forms for the Petition for Non-Standard Testing Accommodations are available through our VBBE Online Forms and should be completed as part of your application submission for the Virginia Bar Exam.

Additionally, you may click here to access a PDF version of the Applicant Authorization and the Licensed Healthcare Professional, Law School Representative, and Bar Admission Official Forms.